Bonfire night 2024 safety tips
It’s almost here! The chance to get together with friends and family, to cosy up in hats and scarves with rosy cheeks and hot dogs in hand while we look up to the skies… Yep Bonfire Night is on the way and we don’t want to put a dampener on the fun but we’re just popping in with some safety tips to make sure everyone enjoys the festivities safely. Here’s a few tips to stick to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Fireworks safety
When it comes to fireworks, the main message is to follow some simple guidelines. Only buy fireworks that are marked with the British Standard Kitemark, as these have been tested for safety. Don’t buy dodgy DIY rockets off the back of a lorry! Always store them in a cool, dry place and keep them away from any source of ignition until you’re ready to light them. On the night, don’t stand too close! Make sure you’re at a safe distance from where the fireworks will be lit. A good rule of thumb is to keep at least 25 metres away, which is about the length of a double-decker bus!
Before lighting a firework, read those instructions carefully. And it’s a warning you’ve probably been hearing since you were at school but remember: never go back to a firework once it’s been lit, even if it appears to have been a flop. There have been too many cases of fireworks going off in people’s faces when they’ve returned to have a look at one that’s failed to go off and it never ends well. If you have any leftover fireworks, don’t attempt to light them later. Instead, soak them in water and get rid of them safely.
Bonfire safety
If you’re planning to have a bonfire, make sure you choose a safe spot away from buildings, trees, and fences. Build the bonfire on the same day you’re going to light it. The longer it’s in place for before you light it, the more likely it is that a hedgehog will wander in and think it’s a delightful cosy place to hibernate. Ensure the area is clear of flammable materials and always have a bucket of water or even better, a fire extinguisher, nearby, just in case. Before lighting the bonfire, check the wind direction to avoid smoke blowing towards your guests. And when it’s time to put the fire out, do it gradually. Pouring water on a bonfire can create a lot of steam, which could burn you.
Keep pets safe
Anyone with animals will know that Bonfire Night can be stressful for pets. The loud bangs from fireworks can really scare them, so consider keeping your furry friends indoors. Create a calm space for them, with their favourite toys and a comfortable blanket. You can also play some music or white noise to help drown out the bangs.
Stay aware
A final thought from us – always be aware of your surroundings. Stay sober and alert during the festivities, as a clear mind is absolutely essential for making safe decisions. Make sure your children are supervised and stay within designated viewing areas if you’re attending a public display
Bonfire Night is absolutely an opportunity to enjoy time with loved ones, but safety should always come at the top of the list – that’s always at the top of the agenda for Ardent Safety! By following these tips, you can help ensure that everyone has a memorable night for all the right reasons! You can find more safety tips on the ROSPA website here.