Are employees responsible for health and safety?
Are employees responsible for health and safety in the workplace? In this latest blog we aim to clarify who is responsible for what…
Employers and employees both have some of the responsibility for workplace health and safety. Although employers are ultimately responsible for keeping a safe and healthy workplace, employees also have a significant impact.
1. The Employer’s Responsibility:
• Employers are required by law to protect the welfare, health, and safety of anyone who might be impacted by their job activities.
• They must manage health and safety hazards in their workplace and take all reasonable steps to achieve this.
• Employers have the right to organise work, allocate resources, and make decisions that directly affect employee safety, but they must do so with safety in mind.
2. The Employee’s Responsibility:
• Employees have a legal duty to take care of their own health and safety, as well as that of others who may be affected by their actions at work.
• Employees have to follow established safety policies and procedures and cooperate with their employers in all matters of health and safety.
• They must not abuse or damage work tools, and they must notify their managers of any dangerous situations.
3. Responsibilities of the Self-Employed & Contract workers:
• Like all other workers, the self-employed are accountable for maintaining their health and safety while at work. They must conduct their business in a way that protects both their own health and safety and the health and safety of anybody else who might be impacted by their job activities.
• The self-employed must evaluate the hazards inherent in their activity and take appropriate steps to reduce those risks.
• They must abide by all applicable health and safety rules and regulations, and they must seek out the necessary advice to carry out their health and safety responsibilities.
4. Duty to Create a Safe Work Environment:
· Both contract workers and the self-employed have the right to expect a safe work environment.
· Employers, site owners, or main contractors hiring contract workers have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of those working on their premises.
· Contractors must coordinate and cooperate with other contractors on-site to maintain a safe workplace.
So are employees responsible for health and safety? In short, yes they are.
By understanding and fulfilling their respective responsibilities, employers and employees can create a safe work environment that promotes well-being, reduces accidents, and improves overall productivity. While employers bear the ultimate responsibility for health and safety, employees responsible for health and safety can actively contribute to maintaining a culture of safety through their actions and adherence to established guidelines.
Find out more about how Ardent Safety’s training courses can help make your workplace safer for all staff – click HERE. You can read more on employee responsibility on the HSE website HERE.