COMAH Awareness

COMAH Awareness


This COMAH Awareness training course provides learners with a thorough introduction to the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 so that they can understand more about how they apply to the workplace, what needs to be done to keep workers and the environment protected from harm and how a Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) should be prepared. The course is aimed at operators of establishments who have a responsibility to ensure that their site is following legal guidance, controlling major hazard risks and keeping up to date with the changes brought about by the most recent Seveso III Directive.

Who should attend

Managers, supervisors and safety professionals who have responsibilities within companies for managing or implementing major accident controls at existing establishments who want to  refresh their understanding of COMAH. This COMAH Awareness training course is also suitable for managers/supervisors of establishments newly brought within scope of COMAH 2015 who may be involved in dealing with the COMAH Competent Authority during inspections.

Course content

Module One: What is COMAH?

This module looks at what is meant by COMAH, providing definitions for each of the key areas involved and outlining why having knowledge of the Regulations is essential for all site operators.

• What is COMAH?

• Who is affected?

• What is a major accident?

• What is a dangerous substance?

• Upper and lower tier establishments

• Non-COMAH establishments

• Why is COMAH training necessary?

Module Two: The Competent Authority

This module explains who the Competent Authority are and outlines the responsibility for submitting a notification about your establishment. The module also looks at the role of the Competent Authority in regards to inspecting your site and enforcing the law where necessary.

• Who is the Competent Authority?

• Notifying the Competent Authority

• Inspections

• Enforcement of the law

Module Three: The Seveso Directive

This module explains what your responsibilities are under the new Seveso III Directive so you can ensure that your establishment is complying with the most recent changes to the law.

• What is the Seveso Directive?

• What are the changes?

• The CLP Regulation

• The Globally Harmonised System

• Hazard labelling and packaging

• Provision of information to the public

• The domino effect

Module Four: Safety Management Systems This module provides details on what should be included in your Major Accident Prevention Policy document, explaining each of the essential areas and highlighting the importance of having emergency procedures in place.

• Risk assessment



• What is a MAPP?

• What is contained in a MAPP?

• Safety management systems

• Emergency plans

• Actions to take following a major accident


Successful candidates will be awarded with an Ardent Safety Certificate of Training.

Contact Ardent Safety to find out more or book this training course. You can read more about COMAH awareness here on the HSE website.

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Ardent Safety - Health and Safety Consultancy and Training Centre