Confined Space High Risk

Confined Space High Risk


3 Day Group Booking Maximum 10 delegates £2000


Working in confined spaces exposes an individual to a range of potential hazards, some of which may threaten injury and in some instance may possibly lead to death. Therefore, specialist training and assessment is required to equip those undertaking this type of work with the necessary skills and competencies to assess risk, control hazards and work safely.

The aim of this 3 day Confined Space High Risk training course is to give delegates knowledge of how to work safely in high risk confined spaces when a specified risk cannot be eliminated or controlled to an acceptable level, and when respiratory protection (breathing apparatus) is required. Candidates will experience an environment containing one or more of the specified risks (fire / explosion; loss of consciousness from an increase in body temperature; loss of consciousness or asphyxiation from gas, fume, vapour or lack of oxygen; drowning from an increase in the level of liquid and asphyxiation of any person from a free flowing solid). Entry to the confined space may involve complex entry procedures. It will entail the use of breathing apparatus.   understanding of the industry, the dangers of working in confined spaces and to be able to enter and traverse a confined space individually and as part of a team in a trained, competent manner.

Who should attend

This Confined Space High Risk training course is suitable for anyone who works in high risk confined spaces.

Course content

  • Understanding the industry, dangers of confined Spaces
  • What is a confined space?
  • Examples of a confined space?
  • Entry and traversing a confined space
  • Manging confined spaces
  • Gas Detection – Hazardous Atmospheres
  • Diseases and Hygiene
  • Working at Height. harness, tripod and winch
  • Emergency escape breathing apparatus
  • Manning levels and communication
  • Self contained breathing apparatus
  • Traverse procedures
  • On completion of the work, duties of the person in charge.


This course can be registered with NPORS or accredited by us Ardent Safety.

So candidates successfully completing this course will receive one of the following:

  • Ardent Training course validation certificate.
  • NPORS registration and plastic ID card N702C Confined Spaces High Risk

If NPORS is required we will need to notify them prior to the course, so please mention this when booking.

Our instructor will take the candidates picture on the day of training, which will appear on their ID cards.

Contact us today to find out more and book. You can read more about confined spaces on the HSE website here.

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Contact us
Speak to us today about the many services we have to offer or enquire about a bespoke health and safety package we can offer you.
Call: 01229 808320
Email: [email protected]
01229 808320
[email protected]

Registered office address: Suite 3, Trinity Enterprise Centre, Ironworks Rd, Barrow-in-Furness LA14 2PN

Company number: 13750295

Ardent Safety - Health and Safety Consultancy and Training Centre