Personal Protective Equipment – Be all the gear
Personal Protective Equipment is the last thing standing between you and an array of hazards in the workplace that can cause illness and injury.
Health and safety at work legislation covers so many procedures, handling of equipment, and the correct use of machinery, and is put in place to protect and save lives. But why is it that the use of personal protective equipment still falls to the wayside in some businesses?
The law states that employers must provide personal protective equipment, and that the employee must wear and use it correctly.
So if it’s the law and it saves your life…what is the issue with providing and wearing it?
There are certainly some legitimate reasons why some employees may not wear PPE, such as medical conditions relating to their breathing and skin, some religions, and if the equipment provided is not suitable due to ill-fitting (which can be more hazardous in certain roles) or is not correct for the task.
With all these points it is important that the employee speaks to their employer, to resolve any issues and ensure a safe working environment, as it is their responsibility to provide the correct personal protective equipment for the job. If an employee arrives at work and finds a cracked hard hat, hi-vis vests that don’t fasten, incorrect sizes of gloves, footwear or harnesses, they shouldn’t engage in any high risk jobs until the correct equipment has been provided.
So, for those who have the all the gear provided, but still aren’t using it, here is our number one important reason why you should!
Your safety is paramount – no matter what the job or how silly you think you look, wearing personal protective equipment protects your life. If an unfortunate accident happens, or you work in an environment with substances that are hazardous to your health, PPE may be the only thing standing between you and a serious injury or illness.
If you’re an employer or employee wanting to learn more about PPE, or want to purchase the correct Personal Protective Equipment, why not get in touch with us here at Ardent Safety and we’ll guide you to the best PPE for your business.