Work in the Heat! Is there a hot that’s too hot?
In the UK we’re renowned for complaining about the weather. It’s always cold and raining! When is the summer going to arrive? And true to form, summer has hit the UK and we are now complaining that it’s too hot!
But when you have to work in the heat, is there a hot that’s too hot? Many employees are monitoring workspace temperatures and worrying that the conditions are too hot to be working. According to HSE (Health and Safety Executive):
‘There’s no law for maximum working temperature, or when it’s too hot to work.’
However, there is a responsibility of an employer to maintain a comfortable working environment for their staff to work in the heat, or the cold. The law states that an employer must maintain a thermal comfort and that clean, fresh air must be provided.
The HSE has also provided a list of tips for employees and employers to alleviate the discomfort when we have to work in the heat:
- Have layers of clothing so you can add or remove.
- Have a fan on or near your workstation.
- Use blinds to shield from the heating effects of the sun.
- Make sure you have plenty of drinking water.
- Try where possible to work out of direct sunlight or other sources of heat.
- Schedule regular breaks to take time to cool down.
If the heat is too uncomfortable, raise this issue with your employer so they are able to make changes, such as:
- Ensuring windows can open, fans are provided or air conditioning units are maintained and used.
- Provide flexible working times to avoid hotter parts of the day.
- Relax formal dress codes so employees can dress appropriately for the heat.
- Rearranging workspace so desks are away from heat sources and direct sunlight.
For more information on ways to work in the heat, visit the HSE website.
Remember, it is important to carry out risk assessments for temperature alongside all other aspects of health and safety in the workplace. If you need help or advice ensuring your company is up to date and ticking all the health and safety boxes, we at Ardent Safety can help – give us a call today.